S. 'Gan Research sad Mutim. 
ouary of Cone usio s 
!h. Conservation bartmt Is far above          In 
it eaPacitY to Use research as a guide to aministratton, 
and is Itself ably oond ting several factgfni&  g survqgs 
which lie on the borderlinie biatween teto 
!he Univesity (meanIng the Biological Departments 
a-d the Sate ,seun) is scientifically stron     Wt has not 
graspel& the basic ides of game mnagement.   bept a to a 
few inydiIalS, the Consrvation Departmet regards t 
ntiveorsity as too aadoei to be of nwh present help In 
gaue adaniastzation, sal oonversely the University des not 
regard the work of the  eparmt as a present opportunity 
to apply the results of slext if.o research. 
the Aehool of Forestr' sanl onsarvation is new smi 
at least with resp"et to ga&e, has not yet acquire a par- 
senneI capable of throwing the University and the -partnt 
'into gear" with eseh other or with itself, although this 
mat be one of its utmote functions. 
The State Agricultural College (inoluding the mxen- 
sion Service san Forestry School) Is not yet "in gear" with 
either the Departmmt or the University, although there are 
no apparent obstacles to the former being aoooulishet. This 
Ma be In part asxiN b to personnel overturns 
a- 4; -1 10