&AVY 5, 194IS 
131 ForesHl 
z ma plmmd to 1ewm      ro ill and Nin   tha t you are 
look at, It Will PAT  We Rii 0t  atisfawti*n %o $4 it- 
I hjvnc rel fr t    o .ier Oxftw4 or Sloae  as to the 
p,%~ I an o.z~xi ve "l find a pjab1idia 
I -y add some odds and ads In the w-NT of .ins fro 
tie to tim. One o f tVes% omlled "Pmirl Bi~ 
will go ft r  to ymt in a few d~v.   ?*   o thaw 
will be .mrke with the pvssi *Ach thu    fit Into th 
mausrpt, so plesso kee then in your a*      ndcm 
them with the other an to ne   for skosthe, if any. 
With peruoml remd       M n  best i4shes for the Now  mr. 
Tours an aWer 
AL~pm                             Aldo lomvl 
ab-oceto a'vol  dela.