p. b. E. W. Nelson on London fur sales show "largest number of lynx
were collected during the winters of 1837-8, 1 I-9, 1957-8, 1967-8, 
1977-9, 19E>-7. The number of hare skins collected and sold by the company

(Hudson Bay) reached its maximum in the one or two years inmnediately 
preceedine these years of abundance of lynxes. Followin  each of 
these periods of abundance of hares and lynxes came corresponding 
r riods of decreases in the numbers of skins of both these animalas".

Ielson refers to a graph which is doubtless in U.S.B.S. file), 
p. 6. Hewitt (consulting zoologist, Canada): "there is little dyabt
the mortality among rabbits is due to disease and that they die largely 
during the summer months". Says in Labrador mice play same roIe as 
p. 6. Burnham concludes from graphs since 1836 cycle is 10 instead of 7 years.

p. .6, Last preceeding grouse shortage in I. Y. was in 1907, at which time

E. W. Woodruff studied the evidence and wrote "The Scarcity of Ruffed

Grouse in 1907" printed as part of the Commissions report in 1908. 
P.  7. Burnham on cottontails: "We have been unable to ascertain whether
not cottontail rabbits are similarly affected by disease over their 
P.  7. Woodruff & Deane agfee to heavy flight goshawks in 17. Z. winter
1906-7. Also 1916-17, 1917-18. 
Vlin-tes of the Game Conference, April 1916 Issue. 
(Discussion of Burnhamfs paper in January 1918 issue). 
p. 12. Hewitt (consulting Zoologist, Canada) :" I do not Inow if my
investigations would allow me to go quite s& far as Mr. Burnham has 
gone and to say that the plague occurs during the same year throughout 
the whole of the northern territory. - I rather doubt that. - - I 
would say that the plague occurs within about two years, and at the 
most, three years". 
p. 12. Z. W. Nelson: Correspondent from upper quebec River, west of Mt. McKinley

says for 2 yrs. following the last abundance of rabbits (1916-7) there 
was a swarm of goshawks and horned owls into the wooded rekion of that 
area. "They practically cleaned up the ptarmigan, spruce grouse, and

ruffed -rouse. When the grouse became very scarce, the harks and owls 
suddenly disappeared". 
p. 12. Jefferys (Mgr. U.S. Bxpt, ur Farm): Rabbits plenty in   . W. Ontario

1912 13, also owls.