424 Rni,_tr Vwm Place 
:uir is, 1942 
Ur. Stwusl" 
Alfred A. Kpf. Inc. 
501 Madisoa Av 
low T8ork it 
Dear Mr. Stus 
Onl aOtoI&U7 looking at the asombled *ssa, I va 
stmak *. doubt as to whether my coletion Is so yet 
lArg. enughi to take seriously as a publishing project. 
I have several addtiona   ones in the wukln aM   will 
still me god a v promlse# bat I wat to ad these 
nw os first. 
I greatly apprlitate your eontime  lterest, 
Tours slncerely, 
Aldo L4*old1 
Prfessor of Wildlift Maaeent 
But in Mr. Leopold' absence. 
I owe you A pol.   for m lon stl e    after 
to send you the asayso 