Food content -4ttomachs of bobwhite quail collcted in the four months from
November, 192h to February, !25, showing th  number 
of stoimnchs in whicAe*h item was identified and its percentag _i the whole
November, 1924    December, 1924    January, 1925    February, 1925     
Species identified                           Per-             Per-      
       Per-             Per-              Per- 
Stom-   centage  Stom-   centage   Stom-   centage   Stor-  centage  Stom-
achs    in the   achs    in the    achs    in the    achs    in the   achs
   in the 
food             food              food              food             food

Total stomachs examined    ..........................  17    ............
 120  . ..      125   ............  40  ............  302 
Long- and abort-leaved pines (Pinus sp.) ...............  17   77.0     117
    41.0      119     47.5     28      22.0      281     43.3 
Partridge pea (Chamaecrista sp.) ...... ..... . ..    9        1.0      98
    13.0     108      15.0     37      35.0      252     16.2- 
Beggarweed (Meibomia sp.)...............    ..........  11      1.0     
90      7.5     108      17.5     29       8.4      238     11.4 
Milk pea (Galactia sp.)                      ..........  12     1.0     
98      9.0       82      6.0     25       3.2      217      6.3 
Bush clovers (Lespedeza 'p.) ................... .. ......  9  Trace    
51      0.5      45       3.0     17     Trace      122      1.6 
Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) ......................  8   3.5     
26      4.0       14      0.3      1     Trace       49      1.9 
Dwarf sumac (Schmaltzia copallina) ..................   1     Trace     
37      3.0      30       0.6     15       2.0       83      1.6 
Ragweed (Ambrosia elatior) .................. ................  11  4.0 
38      3.0       18    Trace     .3     Trace       70      1.5 
Hickory  nut (Hicoria sp.)  ........ ............... -  1     Trace     
 5      3.0    ............ ....................... ............  6  1.1

Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) ...........................          20
     1.5   ............  . ......... .. ............  20  0.6 
French mulberry (Callicarpa americana) ..  ........    11       2.0     
40    Trace       19      0.5      5       0.9       75      0.4 
Gallberry (ex glabra). ..........................................       
      ......  .  .   .  ........   9       3.7        9      0.5 
Acorn (Quercus sp.) ............................................... . . .....1..
 ............  I  Trace    3       2.5        4      0.4 
Buttonweed (Diodia teres) ............................  ?   Trace       ?
   Trace        ?    Trace     17       1.9       17   ...... 
Corn (Zea mays) ................................        1     Trace     
16      3.5        3    Trace ...................    20      1.5 
Peanut (Arachis sp.) ......................................  ........................
 3  1.0  ............  ""1   2.4"       4      0.6 
Egyptian wheat (Triticum compositum),.................................. 
     .   .  .   .   .  .   ..      2       1.5        2    ........- 
Poison oak (Rhus toxicodendron)     ............... .      ......       
 ?    Trace        ?    Trace      9       2.0        9      0.3 
Nut-grass tubers ...................................................................
.. ...... .. .  4  Trace  7  2.0  ............   11  1.0 
Green leaves ............................................ ............. 
4  Trace  14  Trace  63  Trace    26       7.4      107      1.3 
Blossoms of yellow jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens).......... ..............................................
......  7  2.0  7  ..... 
Grasshoppers ........ ......... ......  .  .   ..      7       1.0      69
     5.0       51      2.0      5       0.5      132      2.9