68IM        U  hoS  Mbbits, eotteail, ad jackabbits are found in the 
state. The first was certalniy indigenouii; the econd was probably so; ti

thirt is possibly introdued or represents a  invasion frox the met. 
Disib~io! lz P Cottontails are now statewide, lthoug their arriv 
in the 7orest Belt Is certainly recent (see light gre smbol*. Ep 1) A 
follol in the wake of cearins. The original distribution is umov4 bu 
wes probbly confined to the oak openings in the Lke Region and the edges
prairies In the Driftiess Area. 
Snowshoes are, in general, oonfined to the Jerest Belt. Only ft#n 
of their southern boundary, are shown on Map L  This boundary has probably

shruk northwaL with the drainae Of sp       forests In the Transition 34lt.

was found hard to get the correct boundary, because few peple bnt er not1

snowshoes, and tbose who do sometlS fail to differentiate them from Jarabbts.

The strong cycles also tend to oinfuse current informtion on distribe)io16

Ja.eokbbits are confined to the wtern counties, but seem to be 
oving east, possibly partly by reason 'of new plants.   It is surpisIn  to
how often and for how long (3e0 Map K) this intfrior (and posibly 4a    
game animl has ben planted. 2t     state has had no part in these pl   'mt

Cottontails have also been plant*& (Price Co.) bat the Inaion f 
the south had already arrive, s this had no effect eept to intro        
risk of lawas stock w  e stock *s not ne*4. 
It has been known for a long tim   that the sowsoe rabbit L   a 
a cyclic species. Chart C and D give the detailed inf orati     on cycles
leoted4dring the Wisconsin Survey.  It may be sumarised by sayina that u

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