Pevlset July 10# 1944 
Aldo Loopold 
Ihuatin, I fear, io loaning to sse one thin ty gon blta4 to 
On thing mot of us bn. Cse bM to is tOe quality of maryhs. 
am remed of this w      a    pe   l fa rs, I take a visitor to Claneboy,

o     to fiM  that  to ie  It is sirly lonolier to lo upo# ad stioldo 
to sala~      then other bW  p3oos. 
This is *tt    for &W  pelican, du~wc Cawitp or woten grebe 
to aw    that @3A#Uye is ma      apoA., MW *Is* do they see it out is 
p frem. to ether mashes       Wy else d   thsy so resent Intrasiot 
Th-     t is that 0aM*yIs rmote, not only insae, bt In 
tie, Only the uncitical mow~    rs of hand-am-dwn bistory m~pose that 
a sroa of       thbma pelia      but feel a ltit of prare breese over 
Olandebaye, ma they sense at ones that he"rt &s landing in the 
geloi cal  p s   ..... t             ....... ... .. . .. .. .....a 
rsf. from that most rle.tloss of        osor, the . hre. With qeer 
atodlUva grat* they set wing, 4eataing Lim &%Jostlesepirse tl, the 
"lomilng wate of a byone &a. 
Other roftgo   are alrao  there, oah saeeptitig it'his own feshios 
his respite fro the march of time* Porster' s terns, like troops of happy

children, serse over tb    fast as if Mthe first c14, mt froe 
the retreting leo     t  ore s14yen    the spines of their isnewl pay. 
A f ilo of sandh1l c    5 es &*sdfiaze of whatever it is that ecmaee