73 - inI.7U ~ 
MARCH, 1935 
PREVENT THE LOSS OF LIFE, PROPERTY                  an help in some way,
either to restore valuable food 
AND TIMBERLAND                          lants or prevent their destruction.
The farmer can be 
AND TMBERLND                /ncoiraged to' l t .om  hrni h row salnnrr hiq
fconrez nw~q 
Stop spring brush and field fires and  Sportsmen, themselves, should plant
food-producing trees 
save human lives, timber and beneficial and shrubs and get others to help.
A Boy Scout troop 
wildlife. It is not long until spring. Fol- in the western part of the State
planted over 36,000 nuts 
lowing the breaking up of winter well last year. As a prominent sportsman
mentioned only 
regulated families look forward to beau  recently-if each one of Pennsylvania's
Great Army of 
tifying their exterior surroundings-clean  hunters planted just one-half
a dozen game food pro- 
ing up the rubbish that has accumulate  diicers each year it would mean more
than THREE 
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people take such an interest in the spring clean-up progra  Do not let your
obligation cease with the purchase of 
But, the renovating goes farther than the front and bac   your hunting license.
Instead put your shoulder to the 
yards in rural Pennsylvania.                              wheel and help
the Game Commission work out a sys- 
The cleaning process extends into the fields, clearings an  tematic program
of producing more natural game food. 
woods. Brush fires are started, fields are set afire and even  You will be
the one to benefit thereby later on. Watch 
along the fences fires are started to burn off the weeds tha  e GAME NEWS
for further information on the food 
have accumulated. All these activities appear to be sensib  planting program.

to the average tiller of the soil when the proper preeautin       PROTECT
is exercised. 
But what about the carelessness of such practice ? Sevel I 
farmers lost their lives while burning brush on windy d       s 
last year in this State. Furthermore the fires got beyo d 
control and swept into adjacent farms and caused the neif h- 
bors big losses in timber and fences. It may not be genera y 
known but scientists declare burned over ground requii es 
years for the soil to regain its cultivating strenth-in real v 
Scattered throughout the pages of this 
issue of the GAME NEWS you will find 
several interesting reports of predators 
killed and if you read them carefully you 
can not help but catch the real spirit of 
sportsmanship which is exemplified by 
those who submitted them. Their activi- 
the soil is ruined.                                                     
    ties, and tne results accruing from them, 
only further substantiate the very thing that the Game Com- 
Spring fires do something else. They destroy benefi al    mission has been
so urgently trying to impress in the minds 
wildlife, and food and cover for it. April is the month w en  of our hunters-that
they must not let their responsibility 
most brush and fence rows are burned. At that time m ny    cease with the
close of the hunting season. That they must 
ground-nesting protected birds will have laid their    gs   concern themselves
more and more about their favorite hunt- 
and young rabbits will be in their lairs. The result is  at  ing territory
to the extent that they are willing to sacrifice 
the eggs are cooked And the cottontails are scorched to d th. a day, or even
a night now and then in patrolling it to see 
The reaper and binder, the mowing machine, the gun. er, if any undesirable
tenants have taken up their abode thereon. 
and predators take a terrific toll of beneficial wildlife, ut  There are
lots of hunters who look on with pleasure as the 
spring fires do the most damage. If you want more g me      Game Protector
stocks game in their part of the county, and 
er crops, then stop brush and field fires.          who go away satisfied,
in their own minds at least, that it will 
A CAMPAT                   PLANTING                live, multiply and provide
a bigger bag for them next sea- 
food planting program such as was never underta en         They fail to realize
that what game is there to shoot next 
be~on                                              W ha a  nmtisconception!ivi

before may constitute one of the major activities of the    fall, is there
because some one was far-sighted enough to sacri- 
]  Ga  m             drnthe curret yea. Sucha 
Game Commission during the current year. Such a        ro-  flee a little
of his time and effort going over the ground for 
gram has not only been under consideration by the G      e  signs of predators-the
Great Horned Owl, the house cat, 
Commission    but by numerous interested sportsm        's  the fox, weasel
and all the rest. 
clubs throughout the State, and the impetus it has ga ed      True, this
is a part of the Game Protector's job and the 
during the past few months is very gratifying. Not :ng      Game Commission
recognizes that fact. But no one individ- 
definite has yet been worked out although it is expe ed     ual can hope
to keep all the hunting territory in a county 
that all the agencies concerned will meet in the        ar   free from predators.
It takes the combined efforts of many 
future and discuss the most practical method of cond    t-  individuals to
do the trick. Even then predators take qer- 
ing the work.                                               tain toll. 
In all probability sportsmen's organizations and in, i-     In view of these
facts then I urge the secretaries of all 
gvidual sportsmen will be asked to cooperate to the full t  sportsmen's clubs
to bring this most important matter fo ce 
xtent once a definite program    is outlined, and in t e   fully to the attention
of their members. 
eantime it would be well to give the matter the mo t        Not all of them
can spare the time to help in this wo 
se ious consideration.                                      that is generally
understood. But some of them can a d 
o   e must keep well in mind that if we desire to increas   will when they
realize fully the seriousness of the situat . 
our   'ldlife we must increase its natural food. Everyorfe              
ERNEST E. HARWOOD, Executive Secreta