1919 The national forests: the last free hunting grounds of the nation. Jour.'

Forestry, 17(2): 150-153-. 
1919 Wild lifers vs. game farmers; a plia f'qr democracy in sport. Bull.
Game Prot. Assn., S(2):6-7. 
1919 Forest Service salaries and the future of the national forests. Jour.

Forestry, 17(4):39g-40l, 
1919 Relative abundance of ducks in the RioGrande valley. The Condor, 21:122,

1919 A plea for state-owned ducking grounds.  Wild Life, October 1919, p..

1919 Differential sex migration of mallards in New Ifetico. The Condor, 21:182-193.

1919 A turkey hunt in the Datil National Forest. Wil4 Life, December 1919,

1919? Putting the "AM" in game warden. (The story of how the New
14eico Game 
Protectiv Association substituted push for politics in their state game 
de-partment.) The Sports-ien's Review, (date?) pp.173-174. 
1920 The game situation in the southwest. 3ull. Am. Gaie Protbctive Assn.,

1920 Wanted -- national forest game refuges. Bull. Am. Game Protective Asn,

9(1) :3-10,22. 
1920 Determining the kill factor for black-tail deer in the southwest. Jour.

Forestry, 18(2) :131-134. 
1920 Ilallard decoys. Forest and Stream, November 1920. 
1920 Range of the magpie in New Mexico. Tne Condor, 22:112. 
1920 State or federal refuges? The Pine Cone, :iarch 1920, pp.1-2. (Unsigned;

identified from manuscript. Hany other articles in this quarterly news- 
-paper of the Y.17. Gan ?rot. Assn, were undoubtedly Leopold's, but their

authorship was not ascertained at the time this bibliography was mimeo- 
1920 "Piute forestry" Vs. forest fire prevention. Southwestern
2(3) :12-13. 
1920 Further notes on differential sex migration. The Condor, 22(4):156-157.

1920 The forestry of the prophets. Jour. -Yorstry, 19(4):l-S. 
1921 The essentials of the game refuge.  The Literary Digest, January 15,
(Condensation of an article (not listed hero) that originally appeared in

All Ovtdoors). 
1921 A hunter's notes on doves in the Rio Grande valley. The Condor, 23;19-21.