yet even he has a kind of modestyl his eye is single to his ewn 
noisy business, and he never comes roaring' into somebody alsels 
camn. I feel a deep security in this single-mindedness of freight 
To arrive too early in the marsh i an adventure in - we listening; 
the ear roams at will among the noises of the night, without let or 
hindrance from hand or eye. When you hear a mallard enthusi,, 
audibly over his soup. you are free to TActure a score g zlizn 
among the duckweeds, When one widgeon squeals, you may postulate 
a squadron without fear of visual contradiction. And when a flock 
of bluebill, -Atchtnr mndward, tears the dark si1 of heaven in 
one long rendin. nee-dive, you catch your breath at the sound, but 
there is nothing to see exoert stars. This same performance, in 
d ytlme, would have to be looked at, shot at, missed, and then 
hurriedly fitted with an alibi. Nor could daylight add anything 
to your mind's-eye picture of quivering ings, riAnn, the firma- 
ment neatly into halves. 
The hour of listening ends when the fowl denart n muted wiws' for 
wider  safer waters, each flock a blur against the graying Esst. 
Like many mother treaty of restraint, the ore-dawn paot lasts only 
as long as darkness humbles the arrogant. It se   as if the epunl 
co4                              e r esponsible for the daily retreat 
of metioenoe from the iorldX.4t any rate, by the time the mists are 
white over the lowlands, ever rooyi 8 brain                and every 
roosow i             bragingLA JI?-.and    ver 