Digest of 
"Game Birds, Wild Fowl and Shore Birds" on Ruffed 
Grouse Cycle 
E. W. Forbush 
Reported last renl good year in Massachusetts was SS3.  In old 
days about 1,000 birds per season were killed on about 20,000 acres, or 
one bird killed per 20 acres. 
Old hunters report that while no bird has better protection than 
the Grouse, it has decreased greatly in numbers since the years of their

early experience. Decrease has been progressive for many years although 
the numbers fluctuate much from year to year. Have noticed an unusual 
scarcity of birds -bout once in 9 years and has occurred three tLaes dur-

ing experience of 30 years. 
Another observer states that decrease has fluctuated for about 25 
years, but it has been mot marked in the past 10 years. 
Estimates of decrease in the Grouse vary from qCY% in fifty years 
and 70% in 15 years to 50% or 60% within 6 or 7 years. 
Observer asserts that up to 180 the decrease -as not very mark-ed 
each year; since then it has been gre-ter yar by year. 
The above notes were received at the end of the year 190S. 225 
observers reported decrease in Ruffed Grouse within their experience, 19

reported a recent increase. 
Most marked decrease in recent years was 1907. Decredse throughout 
whole range. Came after year of plenty, 1906. Complaints of scarcity of 
birds at beginning of shooting season, 1907. Very few young birds reared

in spring of 1907. 
Winter of 1906-1907, great flight of Goshawks. 28 out of 49 
Goshawks dissected were found to have Ruffed Grouse in stomach. Goshawk 
invasion followed by very cold, wet sprinA unfavorable to nesting and 
causing lack of food and insects. Many deserted nests found with eggs un-

hatched--some addled, others frozen--some females found dead on nest. 
Many of young which did hatch later disappeared. 
Wood ticks were noted as prevalent in many locaities. Ticks 
bury themselves in the heads of the young birds and wea.7'en or kill them.

, %3When birds were abundant in 1906, 90% of those killed were old 
cocks; in 1907, 75% of kill were cocks but in 1909 the sexes were about 