,ewstutadh* pelim of di"Osiag of its "iatsi ftewes6 sW smuO 
is the Sftae l"tw  thIr mabrt. leubMAspe edoMa     of time f~ 
1t40e11na41fst0,40  005 Stat. 9mt.WIM O- wp Oft ftn   ~   t4M 
b e loa   Au1 thorit y    s &Us timber sols' ew us at"Od of s 
uisher, oumetift fer as Imleftaite *410i4 to **erete with the fte 
A~betraft o. two .. t.a eUse a.mo.e. br.mot *amb 
lag wohIy* mt oesters *brp 0" I isabo   jvt. th State Autwr 
a** se imrspestive at the odiee NA 4p  O   fa atM   ftrestb 
sl of whethew or - mth t10 e  isho  to11"  ter MAMAS  It will bU 70681

"t ts am  V~ltn. SW m fwStte hwfe"te -1611,  I. i   o aoo  h 
fees ot ntoets some ft,.  m  qp 1W prt"ng    N    W$ om 
litusti, be MWe suootly dismoW   4b--d Coet, Io W,     "aft 
Yeestero mA 11im Sea. Sltwto a1te Us -     ofrstxpr 
Statis .t t. Pod, vmsot)7 weisd teWr "ise. is a "a ,rtest. AS 
wee to be sxygotel. thu Owmw ft" e m Us State kitte sl  1epeof 
SWg@Otw~~     th as#tat* foeter, dmwla rt  m0  0 ge -of toNo 
.aqso feilweo to o-p-wvte. 
lbs St at.kiter's offi..smm to toea e~IUa bl* 
in *O w  . f ferest sessoe tis ta N1vsb.%  Um 00 tate 3*vMO 
vsftsee to us&A aid t# the whoefes.a. 41seil of State UNts VaorA* 
stroative mthe"s of 3udoewiag. be ts #~e  Itopnt. l~Offotnt 61 
1U*iag Ia oepevattem. Ie presest Soitor bas bes is offtee MOW 
4bty ~e'* ma the Old peliqr ef deetweotim *"we to be SUe M iK 
aWW4. Is reply to gothe   fops u bemilet  gls     s  e IN 
Nib bme Ip the state eepsw. 