- 11 - 
B - LENGTH OF THE ROTATION.   It is believed that the 
following rotationswith corresponding classes of productare 
best adapted to this forest. 
I OTATION               PRODUCT 
Qual.2    50 years       Poles,Tiesand Cordwood 
Qiial.3   40 years       Cordwood 
The reasons for this choice will appear under If(D). With 
these figures as a basisit is now necessary to know the average 
annual growth of a representative acre of each of the two classes 
of land. 
C - AVERAGE AINUAL GROWTH.   In the last two columns 
of the tabulated Forest Description are given the figures for 
Annual Growth for each subcompartmentper acre and totaland the 
total annual growth for each cormpartment. These figures were 
arrived ataccording to the age-class and the culled or unculled 
condition of the stand,ir one of the three following ways. 
1. Unculled Stands. Wherever the subcompartment 
as a whole was in an unculled conditionthe average stand per' 
acre (ocular estimate) was simply divided by the age (10 year 
class,obtained by counting rings ,herever possible) the result 
representing the past average annual growth per acre per year. 
The ocular estimate is here the only considerable source of 
error., The figures ought therefore to be correct within lo%.