The Mar.ot Jumped at tO rapioUs bird with great boldness 
but soon fell from a blow or the head. Only then thl eagle 
withdrew his wing, approached the manrmot, finished him ofr 
and wt difficulty lifted him in his talons to carry him 
away to the mountains for - tasty luncheon. 
i the more blrrer pl ces iti only occasional spears of 
,s~,3 ir     pin   not her  pacies of rodent liva   calaed 
imourai,. about the slze of  sqi7irrel. they have i coat 
the same color as the rairie and, runing          it liki 
s8!axer, they Collect th seeds that are o) across by 
the  i i n  d car-'y thD  down into tlaeir dh nutiv' hoes. 
The Inouran rs     i tuly  ithful friend, the yellow 1; rK 
of the pririe -itn   broon b-ck and ead. When he sees th 
thue iaourin runin, across tie plan, he  ettles on his 
back, flaps hils wings in balance and riles woell this sviftly 
gallopi   1 ount, hio  1ly flourish  his long s        tl. 
The lt.rk during his rldie skilfully and quickly cAtcakes 
the parasites livin , on the body of his friend, giving 
evidence of his njoymnt of his    ork Titha short Iexi 
song. The ongols c,.l he imourannthe steed of the gy lark" 
Tne li7 warns the inouran of the approach of eagles a-nd 
hawks with three srp     iistles the ,oiant he sees the 
aerialbrgand an  takes refuge himself behind a stone 
or in  "sUll ditch,. 4,fter this 8ignlno Irvur.n will 
stick his head ort of his hole until t',- d rger Is past. 
Z5- Thus tee gay lark and uis steed live ini Ljndly ntigribor- 
In other parts of mongola where there ias very rich 
grassl saw another type of rodent, which I h d previously 
come across in Uria.nai. It is a gig.ntic blaCk prairle 
S .  l mi,. lives in colon   of frorm one