uh oa   f nt onl  t   la4's han, bt to the e        c 
The old ma was 4ead now; In his later years his heart ba hri ei 
h. is ban acon   an   o thetally ofm h    i . ck   m a ode  bu  w &*pe

Wm0.e4 that in his youth hes too had felt the glory of the  mtispig 
the hitor  o  the mntain ws written not only in asnb        ,  t In its 
,lcenaes  Cw-utr place-nmes ar lew, huoru          ronic, orsntmntl 
at seldom trite. Usully thy are stle e        to dw       ir fr 
hereby hangs that web of tale which, full s  , contittes th   l.i 
For example, there was *Me Bseya', a lovely     eow wher w 
mbd over the half-buie4 sku and sattere4 veebae of Cow* l. sinc 
sa. Here In the 15601a a foolish css, newl arrive4 fr. the wr 
ifTs, ha trsted the alluremnts of the mtained                         to

later his herd on mmttan hay. Whe the Nvbr stom hit be a         his hoe

ad tlounee out. bt not his cow. 
Aa, there wao fthe Campell Ble, a headwater of the Blue River to which 
a early ooma had brougt himself a br'ide. Th  1.4, tiring ofrs     ands tres,

d yeare   for a piano, an4 a piano was dly fetced. Ter.e w     oly one x

a the couty  apable of pa    it. sm  only oac          pable o  t 
U1)ehmntak of V  laig such a load. fat the piano failed to bring conent 
t; the 1a4 decapd and when the story was told n.t the rac cabin Ws 
aready  a mn of saggin  log. 
Meats, there was Frryol. O5ea,, a marshy menadow walled In by pines, uner

ktah stod, in my day, a small log cabina used by an paser-tby as anovernigt

A, It was the unwrittten law for the ower of such r.al estate to 1wf 
-8rd, aa4 beans, an4 for the passerby to replenish such stok If he could
U lcklsse traveller. trappd there for a week by storas, ha fo       only
ds breach of hspitality was sfficietly notable to be handed Aw    to histor

'4 Placeemamo.