OQravimtSI? OUO .a$T 44 around tbe e~gs of i*.o,'Ltod qui g       ~   o 
.w'dah cock 'bird ..n  and are board * istlg bWigg tbg Wi          tbe. bi

Ina vWht~ bW 41A9 pairs and swiss are abseat.  apt. bopKlxso ti% iefu 
Lake Refuge  for lasm, rop~tos hosriag aok. *hit     this opiV    bi be 
htis yt to se  a wild nes or a wid amT    btmine of toasm      Bd   Ga. 
bas nevr ko~o a & ome, but bear*mm       *ml cock birds tstli. 
&i*s Mit  As vo.1 with Stoi~dlt  MonLusta that the *blotim Is 
drne ent irely V vmte4    oeks, Ths    Indivift~ would naual      U be  
to *ude nPon mat territovy, *q*tl17 during the awtiW next%*. 
b" a   n=    ''g.£3 al k w 9  nz   btot w rwly large e~wlo ar
Nov  ofMealtoweosays thxt there are qual to the north *".4h 
sauth of the r0oao be covers, In  notvihi the region itself, oze$p tob  
whou be o   zmoill4 sees a .ovV 
Rioobwgsr a*ervm   a   watratka of ey~il app~hing UsVI 
poti)ns of a sama In Trepl*     Co. ia 1915 (see TA Wb1  ). 
All of tbes' oeswvat ion  of largo orwaerg Owlos *mh     wttbs W 
ne.ar the irt iveW sift* 1saibl a .ptcal tendeny to su1o    i 5 ar e. 
'totter wiater m~      exists at the oft*  of the roguar  tl     a. 0 nd

-mEy a-ati La      Soz the rapid fiiU1f -  of th   Lrrapti  are ftb 
xs~sievo of faorV    yvtr 
IkkMA&I  d    A few raio* exprssing   utimtod abud~     of quail 
eompaed with otbew species is" Satbeo.   If thoe  wr inilalol for o~

*ouaty th@ v=ul4 finfllitat consideration of admiistrative uesurandi 
nrt.*it Ls as to ut of fad.