Dee. 18, 1943 
P. 3. 
FI tried to siplify your 6 to the present 2. Whether to goo4 
ofset, I leave you to jdge. I bate to bur en a good paper with 6 
footnotes on paes 1. I suppose the paper might survive despite this 
handicap; I do not insist. 
kafreno* I have added six, part of which have reached prizat since you 
wroe.   I omit 7, but do not insist on these omissions. I usq well bav 
omitted some that should be reinetated. 
I have ehangd to mwmeral referenees only to relieve the burden on the 
reader's attention. 
L     A        I omit those. If you insist they oeuld go into Table 1 &
l' the tt.      kso  thq are cutoear, but I would rather not 
imply, as Latin names do, that the whole eivilised world is aw.iting the

appearae of this paper. 
1The overall leth is the same as your MS, but I hee the finl 
pol    ngmre       e the lenth a ltttle. 
I am awre of m weakness in the treatment of threshold*, which s    be 
faulty in detail. My uMerstaadin of your methods is improving but is 
doubtless still i ufficieat. The only polnt on which I insist is to &voId

aw appearance of pr ision, especially after 1935. Uveything else I 
am will ig and anxious to 4ebate. 
I n longer feel as discouraged as I did on whether all this labor is 
worthwhile. I think It is, and I think we are getting better with each 
revision. I hope you and Carolyn have a good Christms. 
Tours as ever# 
Aldo Leopold 
(typewritten cop of this 
letter not read over by 
Mr. Leopold)