spack ( S mnll, A   EO,,o-m It itil-I rlt'-!s clotr.  it minds t% , bend,
  in no 
time-11onz bvcfor 4 the rotl of     T7-1.kJIV, hv.s bet mynd tho maer-It
17c,- r# mtner t-'- :I   th' O n1sh if tl"  --ren't fl"01; I 
:,I-Ln wn- 16 risl         wo-I-V,- o ' fly -.-C.     pulling 
th'-        t)         of        i!t-ir co --risl W 
tho b '-,    tnt vr4i-Ir.  k t'     T s A0.   C)  :rj'-Ivnt rcn Ir P  fiiherm.n.

mt- by  Ath -Pch vpx.ttoi i7              gnt hin ii,-, '-',,)to o oi   t
and fi=,,11-b- -,bop.e the 
I -A1.1 nor aonfora to )r xj- taiznt noni of thoso three trout had to b*

'a';A1,jO. eonAln, to fii; t% ):Ir     dlj it was big  ms not 
fl-n tn-mt' 1)1--t tYp               WPI! P011 ;T-.P r1flt J jy Cr(-(l, bl
t  -:-,V 
TAI-e the 
whitptI-.rc,-.tr, i Yx'd foreotten it i Odl(!               -N 
.,,uc,,t but romirg 
OU t1-0 Fozk.