Webiti~ not only the .14ot mps 4at t114 the "r~     *0  in *,   me %0

0.6#0 of the $4fts   Is thos day   ho e    the" wa        1m  s  tlahew
to vo 
;ssX**$ Co. tb&A Mt tb*he seat tiaw  a   to the Prrt fix*$ *&JO 
thea PM 
v~il*&   Ue10 0tt, Me sas had d1!f1at gettive ea~u        m   foriewt

lot In *pit* *t the thee thin fxmR2g paasiem. 
G~ot*  isetv~rg  of AneadLa, f.,mpea Co., tay" tb&.t then   n 
ftew big ralbbitg which tua wh uite In wlainte  w  ilesv& oft Armoa ga

*owyv, v*~ ho US. seea %how for ton yoea. 
Is isterppetiua the ab*Vo .bwtt,          the tint   tIe  *jA 
st0e4. is the *Peeibf to *Soh they refer. Worth Tr"     0  and *est
*Vt tOS an* a kiM of Cmtry Owt ively differnt ffm any Sew in1i~     V 
ftambos tabi~te. Mean. aa etbev s0eWers rmko It eaw tbAt A" f Iut 
settled thIs ofttv fts sooes  a. to arPpisilue  Pretrit S&tlias.   It

lhsefar* ws.   ltkoly that the ebeerr.tto i oe.Ae ito rabbits* roft  to j~do

Y'abb~lt N* spit Of the Iist0*  that they WOM #moA*#.    It this 1$ 
*Ormt,# it v1.haly smsa th    a kmbts wsr4 In4*~u, =A tuat %b       4 
sepebl, of qelis bftwto   Is 040 t *stat*. Th  1576 ad 1*00 tatoo anepU 
08w two enls .1 *W sad the  ~e Pett.4 atem~m 
Thoe     a   the0 Tnumpola Iwsptioa Itshown on MaP L0 Iho 1044" 
11 impe vtat principally 'by moesa t  tfhe neMl ehsa ts am  oeMopli 
to a oet vaors44 GeAtit  hW toI tho  U n h sk ft ins 1by stt1oen.  IM10.

'#Rts11Y- the iSUst  *=^iA A.atatns aS *0 the jotsknabbit bemn ak 
P464ibJh pestt. 
~t Cttta. hato 2't 1221. The $,maon) eos o Map A shw thes leties 
Of ob*Seres reatj~  19*,5 0110t~v U.1 e   ss of ".of noma.      It is
&~atA 910m.s t%7t haye~ 41.t lon iA GottvtAA1s0 VMS e~atiasd r the wastor

Pi Of tUs 0ta41, 4100v& slick rabit# s  rouprto elast %bqg0a th