0                 ITHACA GUN COMPANY 
Y                  Ithaca, N.Y. 
May 14, 19 31 
C. Stewart Comeaux, Secretary, 
Sporting Arms & Ammunition Mfrs. Inst., 
103 Park Ave., 
New York City. 
Dear Stewart: 
Yours of the 13th asks how many of the 
American Game Association sheets offering Mr. Leopold's Survey 
we can distribute. 
We shall be very glad to insert one of the 
A.G.A. notices in each Ithaca catalogue going out of here to 
consumers who ask for catalogues during the present year and 
the number will probably run to 7,500 during the balance of the 
year, or put it another way, we distribute about 10,000 of these 
larger and more elaborate catalogues annually. Whether such dis- 
tribution will produce the desired results or not, we do not 
One of the best moves along the line of 
ring neck pheasant propagation we have seen is the late one made 
by the State of New York, which has offered the boys and girls 
of the 4H Farm Club $1.00 each for all the ring necks they will 
raise to the age of seven weeks and the eggs will be furnished by 
New York State. I have had several chances to get first hand in- 
formation on the interest being taken by the 4H farm boys and 
girls, the last being over in the neighboring county last week, 
where I was asked to give a talk at the annual get-together of 
the Schuyler County Rod & Gun Club. Among the two hundred in 
attendance there were many farmers and the man who ran the show 
was the County Secretary for the farm organizations and he told 
me that the response from the 4H boys and girls was very gratify- 
ing and that the move would do a lot to break down the ill feel- 
ing which frequently exists between the farmer and the city or 
town sportsman. So far as I go, I took off a dozen little ring 
necks hatched from fifteen eggs three or four days ago and I have 
enough more coming along so I am pretty sure to turn out four or 
five ring necks for every one I kill this year. 
Most sincerely yours, 
LPS:BT                     Lou Smith