L ossible task to sen a few months more tba a fraction of the wholi 
Still more impssible to disciss in an hour uhat on, 
Germn has asern, and a good one, reflecting centuries of land plai 
Pirst land planing goes bac   at least to 1300. (game treaties). System 
reflects not the wisdom and technca   skill of its planers, b   ~eh*the 
haater and tastes of the laM-user. I somtims spect a certai 
fttility in our motains of mieorah on lan      plannin.t         ak  bu 
gufing   warin, and bending land economic processes, when perhpsehy 
can guide. warp or bend no thing without the land-user.     have a croM:ba.

of money and laws, but no bit to pry aginst. 
In substantiation of this, I offer a oa   ha etwen Geman        and  e r

on the        ntal question of whether conservation practices are prfitablq

akforestry, for exmle. 
192       Here is the seat of a Ju*rfamily which for a centu.r or tw hs lived
the 'income of the surrounding forest.  hey have no other income.  ae livi

siily, ad are not in debt. 
l$E        e 'villag  adoiung the 'scoss' is supported by forest labor, 
53         e men work at lingand in the mill. * 
511. -      e wmen gath'er fuAel, mae plantations, work T   useries. 
75        mese villag   families have ualsubsistence farms, with livestok