)hiversit Fam PieOe 
AUAUs 31- 1;* 
Mr. lartox 3Bfteeingan 
10 R. 43 Stree 
New Tor Cit7 
Der Mr. Blasi me 
Sam -c pleasod to bear from yem sad to know of 
your favorablc opinion oft he smys. 
I age that the total voelune is cant.    r have about 
half aMin as m      as wre inmedd 1r, the sample wlt h 
Pq sve you. These adtioal ones are, for one r-asen 
or another, in need of sliot revision, and I will forwrd 
them to yu as mpidly es I oum pt thfz in   hpe.   I 
estimat  tht I can fini. the others by Rovesb;r 1. 
It any parttio  r dates are importt frm your stanpoint, 
be sure to 1t me kno, 
The unpblished skthes, as Miss Harper has alred      tol4 
you, have been seen only by Clinton Simpsoo of Alfred A. 
Knopf and by lela-rr Pes els of MacMilUa. Mr. 'ipson 
has now expressed a tentative de.ir   to pabltsh these 
haterisls, wibjpot to crtain additions and revisions. 
Sines this is a prior comtment, it will, of course, stand, 
but I am not sure that I can e   ute thp m  flations 
which he suggests. There is no biin a          nt between 
him and nyself until they have been eoxuto4, azd until 
he h s passed on them. Subjeat oly to this prior comit- 
ment to Knopf, I am glad to give you entire discretion In 
placin  these mterials. 
I realise. of coure, that the partial omitmet to Knopf 
may Oshowten yeur rop" to an extent unceptable to you* 
?lease feel perfectly free to toll me so if this i the ease. 
With best rogards, 
~R~keyAldo leopold 
ad Hicey