7._    nedeas         . 
History of Plants. The Fish and Game Division has issued no 
printed reports since Bulletin 10 of 1926, and is reluctant to give out de-

tailed figures as to its present activities. In the following table, the

figures under "now" are based on verbal and unofficial information:

192Z      1924     195     1926    &ow 
Pheasant Eggs Distributed: 
(1) From Game Farm ------      4358     4450     4940     5000     ? 
(2) Purchased---------84                 22650    17910        0 
(3) Total ---------   --  52800    27100    22850     5000     ? 
Pheasants Distributed: 
(1) From State Game Farm - - -  9135     8367    10941    12000  12-15000

(2) Purchased --- -     -  - - - --  0 _Q           0         0    ? 
(3) Total -----------      9135    11807    10941    12000     ? 
Map D. would seem to indicate that up to 1927 plants were still 
made statewide; i.e., allocated by counties without special reference to

past success. County committees representing the sportsmens associations

and the State Division determine allocations within the county. 
Plantings must have begun well before 1915. 
No record of failed plants was obtained except the few entered 
on Map E. 
History of _easons. The present statewide 10 day season (Nov. 15- 
25, limit 2 cocks, 4 in possession) has been in effect since 1920, and must

have been established some time between that year and 1915. Ividently 
Ohio was one of the first states to have an open season on pheasants. 
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