April 24, 194s 
Sic   writing yma this m, I wmJd like to 
add this note as a postscrpt to yr      ltter. 
Pat jus~t shil~d me your da WOreet letter to 
you conening the ess, an      it mae me thik 
more thia evrer that we should tur over the 
negotiations with the publisheir to you. 
We epect Starker here Hon4a or Tuesday of this 
wek, and expect to discuss this with him in 
The memorandum entitled w#0nflf44tial ws in 
the mai construtd by Joe, wilth m OX, but 
oly in the eveantlt this a      g    t is 
.reed apon by all   embers of the family. 
I sgest, therefore,      t you write Starke 
iaediately ooivqinA      him prrvately your 
personal wishes and     rs in this --ater. 
Te Intense feeling for yo r father W- have 
used the ove-stepping of boMns. However, 
as you Gec see, the efforts here are 
and are not meant in ay weV to over step 
Sincerely yours, 
ILA)4G iRobert A. McGabe