2101 North Glebe Rd. 
Va. L 
Mr. Aldo Leopold 
College of Agriculture 
Department of Widlife Management 
University of Wisconsin 
My dear Mr. Leopold: 
I have received your letter and the drawings.Luna 
has also discussed with me the conversations with 
you regarding the work. 
!here is no question in mly mind that the project would 
be very difficult for me to do by "remote control". 
After the news that Luna was leaving it was more 
certain that there would be a tremendous problem 
with backgound and source material. 
Please feel no obligation in the matter as making 
the drawings was entirely my own offering at this 
stage,and purely exploratory.It is a shame that the 
illustrators of most of our books are called in at 
the last moment with no contact with the author-and 
no understanding and harmony of view noint.That 4 
is very Important and the reason the finest books 
are coming out of !Surope-Switzerland,Netherlands, 
Belgium and even*'" Argentina. 
I am sorry to say the suggestion that I assist in 
designing the book and harmonizeqthe drawings with 
the type would not interest me.The printer or 
nublisher should be helpful on that problem. 
I will suggest that a good friend of mine who &s 
by the way a Wisconsin man-Reinhold Gehner is one 
of the most capable in the field.He is with the 
Banta Publishing Co.on Vanderbuilt Ave.adjoining 
Grand Central Station,N.Y.He would be a person to 
discuss the book problems with.He also might offer 
suggestions on other publishers should the Knopf 
proposition not work out to your satisfaction. 
It has been a real pleasure to read the essays and tc 
rnaora  +nm  q+tiAi an ii'a  amana  av,  hn&-n  "=tia* 
Very sincerely yours,