to frsh raint, stel, aM   oorret.   A date on the barn comm    ates the 
foiu-iin fathers. T1e roof bristles with lghtnAn       mds, the  eatheroock
'Ooud with a w gilt. Even the pigs look solvent. 
The old oaks in the woodlot are without isse. Tro Ie no heJgs, 
brash patches, fencerows, or other signs of shiftless lsbandry. Tit oorn-

field ha fat steers, but rz'ob---ly no quail. TZh  fences stand on narrow
of sod; whoever Dlrweu tiat close to bmrbed wires mast have been  aytitg
not, want not". 
In the oreekbottom pstu"$ flood-trash is lod md hie in the bushes. 
Th' creek ban4 are raw; ehmni1z of Illinois lyive sloughed off and move 
ward. Ptchs, of giant rage4 T rk w'hre freAhets hve thrown down the silt

they  oulid  ot ciry. Just who ts solvent? Por how loag? 
Tm hilghw-y stretches like t taut tape across the corn, oats, An   clover

fields- the bus ticks off te orlalnt mile; the rnssewmrs talk and talk and

tak    Abc-ut whait?  Ab,:it   ~, azeball1, taxe. sa nn-li-laws,%-,f"ao

moviu, otors, and  buierls, bt never abrot the heavi   g   o      el of Illinois

that was3iez tta windows of the apse41ng bs. Illinois has no genesls, no
tor, no shoals or deeps, no tides of life and death. Illinois is only the

sea on which they sail to Trts unlonown.