March 12,945 
Dear A.L., 
You are quite right on the poi.ts you raised regvrding my book; I w .s 
aware of these faults an soon as I got my copy. However, I dor't think it

is a matter of presuading the Institute, as you suggest, when tho next one

comes up, You forget that paper was hard to get; at the Toronto meeting 
you warned the Institut; that it might be hard to get any at all. We got

the best available. I suppose some houses and university presses had stock

piles, but the Institute started with 1oks during wartime. Even some 
big house seem to be having their troubles End I have several recent books

printed on pape that won't stand a soft eraser. 
I sent everything down to the University of Minnesota Press before 
the Institute published, but their price was so high tbpt it slemed too 
much of a chance to take on a first book. I suppose the University presses

can afford to go in the hole on their own publications, as tbey admitedly

do,but I, for one, wanted to see the Delta publication come out on top. 
Evc-thlng that is wrong with the drawings is my fault. Actually the 
printer flattered some of them. I did them over a long period of time 
without knowing what the eventual publication was going to be like. You 
will remember that it was pretty late in the game when we finally decided

what "Bulletin # " was to be. And when the plans were set I had
so much 
to do that I never had time to redraw some of the poorer cuts . I did 
almost everything on the book from the dust cover right on through and am

continually amazed that it came out as good as it did. 
I am in the same boat with your drawings. They are now stretched 
out over a period of five years and your last letter to the publisher 
still puts things in the indefinite future. In none of #he correspondence

you have sent me have they said they wanted to use my A-'-7Ings or even that

they were reproducable. -I rave my first supply of good paper in two years

and am encouraged with the -,iults of the last month on my own cuts. I can

see by these, that I must redraw some of the oldest ones of yours, just the

same as you amua mmm     are revising the manuscript9  I don't knor anything

about book publishing, but if publishers such as Inopf do give any sort 
of specifications as to time, size and number it would help a great deal.

If knowing these I could take a solid month to do the tkilustrations I know

Ihe work would be much better than piecemeal work scattered over five years.

This of course gives you nothing more definite on the drawings that you 
6an give the publishers on the manuscript. Perhaps they would want to give

the Job-to a    esone    who  nos all the ins and outs and with whom they

cen work directly once the manuscript is in order. 
'   ~4^