Whether Hungarians will thrive on the driftless 
area is an important but unanswered question,- they may 
show the same preference for drift soils as pheasants. 
Some of the heaviest plantings have been on the driftless 
area at Winona. These birds have nested, as evidenced by 
setting hens beheaded by mowers. However, the plantings 
have continued each year, thus raising the question of 
whether the nestings were new or old stook. 
These slender indications as to what is Hun- 
garian range may be summarized as follows? They will 
probably thrive in the southern prairies of Minnesota, 
and (with the possible exception of the driftless ares) 
in the agricultural parts of the transition belt. 
Weed for Jeseardh. Practically nothing oertain 
is known about (1) The natural enemies of Hungarians. 
(2) The best foods and coverts. 
(3) Whetherraob of  g retards or increases 
rate of spiod. 
(4) Relations to pheasants, if any. 
(5) Tohnique of winter-feeding. 
A oint research project, sponsored by an inter- 
state organization like the Isaak Walton League, and 
executed in a coordinated way by the Research Institutions 
of Iowa, Minnesota, and 86uth Dakot, would be good 
insurance on the large sums being spent on thibird. At 
mentioned in the Iowa teport, Morningsid College at 
Sioux ity has made a start toward such a study. 