Delta,  AAnitoba 
April 22, 1948 
Yesteray, as On all days sines he touched our lives, we had su 
reason to think of Aldo t'opold, onc  or a dozen t1mxe    In my 
own case I saw a swall flock of SandhIll Cranes in rown's loig 
about noon, the first I had ever seen there; and at once there 
care to mind the time at the shack when he shoed me ty first 
cranes, and the haIf-dozen tines since when we had seen cranes 
Yesterday, Aldo left our world. 
Grief in so very deep at the moent that we think little beyond 
ou  lose an'  et t1ere is no end to the -oness that lives after 
and aSil ae                  IM             Then an h 
loved will be  fover a better land b       se f hiui,  We no% ko 
what history will record: Aldo Leopold was a areat American, Few 
men loved the land so deeply as he loved Americ& few who have 
loved the land mmine4 it so carefully    and few who have exmined 
the land have been so articulate In detalling their dosoveries, 
Aido Leopold's discoveries and his OhIlosophies are Just as 
Iportant to America as renjamin frankliln'. 
There was a time wh n he the   t he might live to see his ideas 
tace root in the plan for kaericao it is true that one fIleld of 
his Interests* ge ianagement, Is do deeply rEooted to his precepts 
that this work will always go on In the L oe of hia spirit.     et 
it came to pass that even though many were fired by his spirit, 
few graspe4 the deep fundaaenta% s upon which he operated, towe 
of  us knw of the deep, biting   iscouragfets he suffered* Facing 
these, he realized th at at best he would see only the bagl~ng - of 
hs Ideas taking she In plan. kro     then on .11 he ever hoped 
he could do was to plant his seed In  oer     inds, for this 
reason hie became a teacher, and we aw.  the students cari-ing his 
trust to o on with a job he 'kwe he would never finish.    In 
sorow  etus net forget the hope he has given, us, -In yeavs to 
CC Z~f 'T  utnver $orget the leso he tauht     Aivi In bad tims 
ltus alwas rer    er hWv hard he worket     -iyo us w-,m  weti 
rev men In arr walk of life at any tlame in his tory have lived 
so closely to what must have been  o'*atenfor marnkind,