Al      m  s of Iwrdble fatnes, Mv.e deer laid down so -ah tallow 
that the dimpe aln his Unkboae weal have helda small pal of water$ 
badhe ow" us to pw       it.   e didn't. 
The origin of all this ople was sat tat to seek.     Wr o  squeite at 
ee  tewaIU* w           loaded with pe4s. The  I    d flats te. aaaml 
Smse. the aris4ibe seed. of which coud be scoopedup W the onphAL. Thre 
wersW gret patches of a logm   rwosebli~g .tff*-woed; It one walked thou

those. o'e pockete filled up with shelled beano. 
t mmberw   n patc of wild amee, or oalabsetas, eoei~     seerl 
&siwe of m.flat. The 4eer amd **o   bad opened the froven trits, .zxp.1

the sod. 3me and qail flattred over this baqet Ite, trit-flies over 
a ripe WS . 
to could not. oat ,esot    i4 sot, eat  at, the quail and de,14, at 
we shared their evideat deligt In this   ilat          viloss, Their 
festitwi mo   Ues our moo4l we all rovelled to a eeina abunm&nc sad Ia

eath other$s wll-beii. I sait, resell f..Uung Ia, settled ematy, a 
Ihk  sesitivity to the mesA of the lad. 
Cis the Dlta ws not all b.r and .kittlos.                So problu ma 
water. lbe leems were saline and the river, where we mcud find It, mes toe

w~d   to Oik     At eacnew o~ we ft    a mm well. ftet wells, howver. 
y1514*4 on17 baa. fram the ftlf. We lsarm4, the hard w# whore to 44g 
for -woo water. Mwa In dombi aheat a now well., we lowee the dot WM 
hind   W.   If he I* frolyp   , it we the sim     for us to be.  the cans.

kleI th    fire. and pitc  the teat. Thea " sat at peac. with the wod
the      l osuleld In the Dutch oven$ s  the ma *u In SloYewbhind the Us

?odw  Wrir. J ter, dishe. ushpd, we rehearsed the daq and listened to 
the neises of the niht. 
Ove did we plan the mr, to we had learwA that In the wildereess 
some - enid iwresietible, distmtion is ears to twa up eaeh dayt bee