August 24* 19&44 
Mr. Ja~tea Blassis0as 
Ten hit lortjiathird Street 
New York City 
Dear Mr. Alaaoeas 
Thak you kindl for your letter of August 22. I'. 
s      that Mr. Lepol's awer will be dlaye4 util 
after the 29th becaue he is out of tin, but Ia the 
meantime you mht like to know that the unpubl shed 
pieees have been seen nly by MaMilln and Knopf. While 
M"Millan liked th   ee sas very muh, they do not feel 
they can take them on at this time. Knopf has not yot 
glven & definite aner. 
You"s sincerely-, 
Altie l"or 
Secretary to Mr. Leopol