that*. Ono d*bUtW '1.Id spstis "eM 
ofsors by sothoudV1oos 
bett Crie the shier        sad o vme for ' 
lwour saw Mto %% 110* the 4wais of VI~o 
Noghl  mrnisw -u In 1979j, when th bu*$gm% 
-V                           a        "A I& tuf U4 SA  &- 
finally convinm WU main zimm wmSi they  Au-, 
prairies ftrthw wt in th anus of *.oag~ land to 404h* I?60 
a p1q'.4 its oh"In this Saw wa that 00 smbm    t Mft 
had Its origin In offrtmbotIW. 
This as  yea of 157w up the first p2ktti o SOP tM toNO& 
also the first arrival of Vacrsa  u *a Aop.m fri ufl so 
l179 six atgfttgVmrj *hIto  jod4ls tho mltnem ofth1 
)Moheist Che la *41si and tooke a loo at the g 1g SOY* On 
tho mikto at Wism wr vovW  4** glu .tted4wt &ksat 10a 
IsaSI 157  doo hnter tre ok ~ ds hemlod wooow 
-ons to otwito the Uo;s3 
Lh  Seteme  evI   ie rtee' woin       dWTam 
&~ - 
w&,1~ COAL an WL  %M' 
in 1876  -m  the wttest yearof     rd  ts, ranal Vioo up 30 ina 
PrOLwIO chlakms 4d   omd# Vebp    ft  to bardrls 
In 1875 feat htmr kI1l*4 153 iWati    ohisk at TO*     Pf'tio OW 
esmtY to the "stoosd.    In the om   ya   the W' Pit 00000*10 pla"*
sslms in D"I1'S %&V%    10 miles own   of wrsk 
In 197% the first ftot v4s bar4 wir wa     staple  to "k to    IZ k

A*  ak artifts  an buried In the oak owUso      _ow 
In 1973 oM  cM*W o   i lbs *..iw  and wat 23pO      W"t Obeo 
Th chtft~l ttat. inoloolive   b~h   600.000 at $3.25 pe 4ovw.