.2 A 
Sooorro, N.M. Mgr 4, 1931. 
Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
Madison, Wisconsin; 
Dear Friend Aldo; 
On last Saturda when in the State Game office 
at Santa Fe, N.M. I noted a copy of your " Gem Survey ". 
I spent quite a bit cf time looking it over and made it a point 
to take the address and intended to send for a copy at once. 
This mcrning by mail I received a copy due 
no daubt to your thoughtfullness and I want to thank you far 
remembering me.   I have not had time to M  into it except in a 
cursery way, but I know that it will afford me hours of 
pleasure and boundless stores of information. 
I called Tudge Neblett's attention to the copy 
in the office and he was much interested, and stated he hoped to 
be able to get a copy for his own use. 
To my mind all efforts to bring back quail 
for public shooting in this state are futile until the use of 
multiloading guns is prohibited.   When some game hog  or meat 
hunter can go out and in five minutes blast the results of a 
seasons brooding of a pair of quail, securing perhaps three or 
four birds , miming the majority of the rest of the covey, and 
leaving them to be an easy prey far predators , it is useless to 
expect a continuance of public shooting. 
I was in to see Dr. Pettit on Ftiday last and 
of course we had our usual debate on the use of automatics and 
pumps. As usual we left the matter open to next time and parted 
just as good friends as ever. 
Trust that the next time you come to New Mexico 
you will be able to remain longer and that I may have the pleasure of 
a visit with you. 
Sincerely yours,