n%, the mor virile and pormitivo skills in pineeing tinl and Siotenb 
eSe of thes  skills are of generalized distribution; the details Mave be

kapted to th  Ameica   scene, bu  the *kill li wrlide. Hunting, fishit, ad

Tw  of them, )iv.   are as k-~moon  as a hior7 tra   they Mave U. 
)pled elswhre, %t thqy wr developed to their tful peetion only on this 
mtioat  On of those is oammtravel and the other is trnvel by piktrin. 
aft aesrikn       wapid. Your Hudson Da     India now Me & -it      
and yo 
ikey do likwise   for both 4x greln      labor. But me who too widorese 
ravel tor op     refie *Ro w ars forood to cmpote with ~macauso         mx

tiluto    I to fotls to 4ect a portag        toths tof otor-launchs, or 
*tr   out your bell-uNO In the pasta    o a.  -ue hotel, It lo betterwto

#tl4.omess area  are first of all*a soies of sntu~ri     for the puimitive

Wilderess travel, espeiallY Caoeing aM       T)~I9 
I raVs    soe will vwih to dbae. woh    it is tmportAnt to kMthose 
wiittwe art*salve..   I   m * allno  debate It.  idthe? yo  ko it in y~t
Sarpea  huting and fishing a- In",      4mMeol of the thing tha  wilerns

.res ight be the   .waf presrvin      In tJbIs motr.    htopaMt 4o nt o 
soo, or do their mw work in the wood* if they ma avoid doin     so. Wok 
e delegated to beaters eM    ssrvato  wA a bnat eawies the atmophe   of a

ilmdo, rther th~  of poneeing. The toot of *kill to co-fine     lagl    to
vtual tain   of & x   or fish. 
Toeare those wh  4eor wileres     pnots as fueorte          os*     h 
aarya aapaoi of awl. 
puist O~. ft Uia ero n   pu rast Is that Itaple 1t e