?K,- 4,1931 
Mr. 0. Sutherlan 
104 mast st. W. 
Janeville, WViseonin 
Dear lMr. Sutherland: 
I certainly apreciate your ta!-ig the pains to 
write me at such length on your recollections of game. 
The material is very valuable an  I imgn I 
w7111 receive other reactins to the report, -,Moh I hp 
to coonle as a irplement of aditioal information. If 
so. I mill sn ,=   the final draft for O.K. 
Thanking you for your interet, 
Yours sincerely, 
A1 .O L1 OPOLf 
In Charg,-e, Game Survey