De  ,* 1930 
Rand !e    all  opn 
536 South M,3*r Street 
Chicago, Illinois 
Atqtin: Mr, H. . -01w.. :r.-. M   11 ision 
Dear Mr. Cl~w: 
I %asening you by registered mail a maimsri-pt of my1G5 
Survey." I wmuld likem to have 7our bid on printing 10,000 coples. 
The co-py 1 am sending is a carbon, with photo-mphic reductions 
of the maps and charts. An original copy, wIth the ori4Minl drawvings, 
will be sent with the order. Xindly return the        with your bid. 
P§&*$Ia   The prinipal maps will not be legible If reduced muc 
be"  0xO. Ila   is approxz$ately the desired pap, size. Please 
speei with your bid the exaet size you propose. 
Bidm  2,000 In cloth boards. 5,000 in some tmig paper cover. 
Pleas send saple materials with your bid. 
&  The maps and carts will have to &)par in         tion 
the context. I pree this mals it neesu7 to use 
a paer suitable for the maps. If you can sgest a mre eooia 
seI        uld be glad to hear It.  Please send  mnes of paper and 
typoe with your bid. 
LThere are two color plates, Maps I and 9. map 1 is 
divided into 10 areas needing 10 color distinctions,           of 
which will show on an overlay to be sent with the order. By screening 
or          sing some of these 10 colors, I think a 5-color plate 
Map 9 needs 3 color plates. The amll circles are to be colored. 
.and an overlay will show where the colors go. 
Th. following mps and charts may be rewe4 below tal-p"    sise 
The following m s and carts will needall-page size: 1, 6, 15, 23, 
25, 32, 37, 35, 44.~ 45. t7. 'is.52.~ 63, 70. 50, 92. Total, 19.