vbat grv lagon we the ebject of their ~uet?       Agaa a   again we 
oed omp, hoin               to see them settle, to tfi  their b   et 
bear4. Oe day at about 8 a.m. we saw tbA pslm etrcle. brak r         , 
sideslip, aM fall to e      like maple lemve. Flk aSter flo      follwed,

At lo   last we had foun  their renevous. 
Next monin at the        e or we lay In wit besi4e an o inar-looking 
sleug, Its ba   eevered wit yesterday   oetacks. We wre alread 
buagwy, for it had been a long tr     fro  cam.  Carl wseating a cold 
post q=1# the qail wse helf-w        to hisi   th  hen a cacle from the 
s  froe us to iobility.     tt quail hu     Ia no  air while the floc 
cireled at istsre, debated, hesitated, and finlly am In. That qumail 
fell in the san dhen the gm    spoke, aM all the ge   we could et la 
kicking o the br. 
More oas, sand sttled. te dog lay tembling. We &te qail at 
leisure, peering through the blind  listening to the maltmlk. Those 
gesse woro gobbling #2       As one flock filled up and left, another 
arrived, eager for their delectable *tones. Of all the millioms of pebbles

In the gre   lag.os, thee onthis paticular bar suited them best. The 
diffe   e, to a smw goose, wa   worth foty mile. of flying. It Ve 
worth a log hike to u. 
Most smal g        the Delta me to. abandat to hint, At eve      ca 
we hung up, ln a Sew  mate  shoting, enough qail for tomorrow's use. 
ood g*ronay dm          at leit one fSty ui~t on the stringer as the 
necessar ixterlud  betwe  roostiag in a  e euite aM rootiag over meepoite.