orovni. bs promotion of widlf reeac sports IsU  m 
-Otn jot omrtins the prorohio1  of wildlfe  i s 
, 00 
Willif h"  til ather vaue nw vii1. OAIY to  fe 00e01ts. 
I of potental        4.otaeV the whol hum enopit 
We n* -mo %h4  anma pq1.ltionew behavior pattern of Ihc Use 
i wbi    suwr of 1ees, V~ he to the "h~bo1. for crse 
We -ao 41.ee r   . tb# beavo plmsi the Iniitl or In shr 
riod of Un*. ft   mt tat.    mtm of an indviual r&W4 tolle us 
Win of cyls     Tal q4al conep sp       fin.a .cttav of the moos Orc 
mis of hisW3. 
of *   hw    ar unaware    but v~c   we help to .sovta      Are mot 
r* Uato -Z r"2ltio, *st of xU co*th? 
ILS- &--a)W *1 ~w Awf- amo  -14*J  omth 
the soesO     "Wi of tawiMi   acte of voltion* Th   W 
A. ft~  6M Ak& 14___   w~i %~  the naaries of 
sohrbn, so 80Oetsto thO vh 01;441  " IR 
~~ knwetf whic Is laretY 
itt  awu.s to mppo.o that war .44i proese hbv a         tlA  WT411400 
t  toe of th rabl. Vat 1% is alo9 resnal to Mae CM 
Got  t py"~o b.owi patter" of ii -ohn is -" 
-  -s n~~ evke the   my hav  otrg f *1 
VM* tat of do"" ^10t the fnaw      fhmnP 
Ipsw~t -d Ozetiow Talus to tho a 
a anj*4 to umw&"* bktt ibiah he O"Parthol"a hSIPIS to
executo. thus 
VMww     w     ORSM     JW ^      -      r- 