bUT  as 0040=tat is tor Vmo         06rotnt1'rS          bs 
th *1 t1o 4... not lte . * In f~        'A ko    A4 1444 DAS Cos It 
v--moac"    s tow5                      vhteh lw iSmaertaO.a 
Th *W*** it futhesoapi*toA 1W P"4 mr4.d       f drift 1A 
o-.,*blaho1d S*one (it Li too .Cvly to toll) ItwU t InM5*&tO  0  Se0

ft:11 to oft  Up"Is it will ind5**t tin$s 00 .bs"in   is coes to00

As f1~ In%*I   the eztaslv pvi5*f WLwk Co, zigt as  S 
the - 1104, 166% this is Qaf*ASrAq* by tho fet thit 14iaa pr4*o$ 5*A 
w~wt~C.(vie# ~Aet ?hairle) the Ivlws *" oop"W*ly s.U4..', 
t~t cormlatlm with *oil, ti4   f1tis lead is oni.r4 prea*b, WS th 
1io.taI us~  be las vtr 4--uso  10 tb~ will "t abw the trhi 5*ti 
t4 IhO itr1tvl* iAt*r-W~a41a* Or the sOil tY7F t0wUAv5*. ~Tks kI4 e 
to 1av*siel LA a '*dysvy. Th *4.i pro.es Is pat*" for seh 
t4 tU, aewl~y e stoklt~he HwW l#iR folll*i# ist the Uawritr ofMsi 
eaah will c*"r not *Aly k5h1~a  & t 'ke  s5ttb 
Ibe 0111 .mtwi.&    w  04 Sow Ue stated is that 010 *l prle 
AUf Otto5 or Watetow 0sa fou 41ieso 6t Wm4 
ef1to-    sad .b..m4vo the t41lwlit 