With the   qu*st that the rear heop in Sin     these limitation 
aewrnt In sa  list, t   followin   are offerdas the fpobab) most 
impotant research qstions confr-  tin g     onsratio in         isi 
got Xt gtArt4& byr gorl-- 
andwntal sientific reearch       oJeat*     omitted est i:cs, e + 
the ultimate auccess of applied research depens on concuret 1stitisj 
in pure senae. 
1. Ziris           II., 1at is the c        O o  the prai    chi 
cycle? low does it wort What part do prdators, huntia , foo        covew
dnt, Fraeitoet aut nd d           in it?  (fort on predators, etc., star

In Wisconsin). Which  f these oirot      tal factors can be controlled 
and with go Offset? ZoO     (by instao; We4ug station teMiqu, 
ground, nest gruns,         ground, *yard" gronds, etc.),    Wat ei
trols will retain the piaated gruse in the ri ge prairies of the dr4wL 
area? Is tractor plo.ihin   a feasible w   to got more food en   better di

sioa in large marshes?  That will refloding do to or for chickens in   e

m       rcbes? WNat kind of forestry is compatible with chicken ma  tT lw

do Pinnatetd diffr from shxptail with respect to 11 thoe   atre a-d t 
2. ag    Ast.t     the WisoasIA ewr population neso as to seo      0 
d5n~ity# end rate of proutivity? Wht is nomal?      (As to "e, some
9tarted in Xichigsa). What pert do prodetors, hmt lag, food, ewer, aciota,

Psmsites, sad disease plV?    Is th# kind and dgre   of prtW      ontrl e

I"R to nomlity in aft em age alasees as toll as mbers of de$r Is $it
tat eutt ing are,  stroying der yard*    What is a 4er yard as to food, 
I111, distri u iont Vat will partial drainare do to door Ya?       Can fer**

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