TD      1   Hrrton 
p. 30.      Sumr Gains in Cjolia Thee7       I would feel on shaky groun

in adding this                  Elton's book and his new paper 
in the November 1942 Journal of Animal geology. I will not 
attempt to discuss the bearing of his findings unless you 
PP. 32-33.  S          I am not sure that these summaries interjeoted at
oaptions are advisable, but they do make it possible to 
omit a lot of detail from the main summary at the end of the 
paper. What do you think? 
p- 35.              . Is this comparison of population mchaniss    sound?

on      so mach more about raptore than I do that I await your 
p. 36.              F uigare 11 is clearly a fragment from vhich we can draw

no deductions, but which might be useful for some other Investiga- 
to. Is this sufficient reason for including it? 
Should we add to this section a qualifier paragraph explaining 
that red foxes were scarce during this study, and that our 
findings on predation might ohang during a period in which 
they are abundant? Qastrow says the present red fox predation 
on quail is extreme. I think the question hinges on whether 
your Iowa studies over enough areas where red foxes were 
abundant. You can pass on this better than I. 
p. 35.      Rbbits. Thi     s changed and expanded to fit ansons census.

p. 40.            M                   Table 3 is a brief sumary of mh 
more volumo     dain Hanson's thesis. He is as yet undecided 
whether he will contribute Table 3 to this Joint paper or whether 
he will withdraw it for use solely for a paper of his own. 
Naturally, this is for him to say. 
p. 41.       !i,.        Hanson will supply the blank figures. He is working

at the Bdger Ordnance and is hard for me to get in touch with. 
p. 43.      W               A detailed analysis of summer bird population

is ~oed  d for two reasons:  1. Neither Hanson nor I could 
devise a wy to reduoe his summer census to a unit area basis. 
2. A single year's work is probably an insufficient base for 
so complex a subject. 
pp. This is still rough and has a mak ending. 
pp.- 434.