Tha   a  ense of husbsMdy exercised in the rroftetonf of mp-n 
myb    quite as Importnt "s the orops tbers.e.a is realize to sm 
oxtent In-u .rwimlturo, but not Ina o3?rmt ion. Azerinis pwtson 
hold iusmoull eeteeu the intesiv*- g   @meoppiag of the Scottish mors 
and the Gera forests, ad In some resp~ets rightly. Ait they overloo 
entirely tho sc-ase of huandryII delo. 4 by the htorpa  Iaadboldr In 
the process of aro-Ag.   1W4 have no such thin as yet. It in importnt. 
When re .eonl4e that we met bAit the fairuer with subgitens to Induce 
him to raise & forpst, or with gate recet,,o to ind~uce him to raise
wre are rely admitting, that the pleneures4 of husba ryIn-the-wil are 
an yet unknwn 'both to the fatrmer am to, ours~lves. 
Scientst h&"e ans pirat    ontot  repeAts phylog   . Wht they 
--nan is that the deve~lopment of ch Individual repet the evolution- 
ary history of then rae. This t tm of nmtal as well. as p"Ita1 
thi -*.The trptV-hunter ts the reborn. Trph -hunttg Is, 
the preoAtivot- yrwi. moia    or indivis, mA nothing to aa 
gise for. 
The di1qieting thing in the mo4orn pltu"r i-c the trhyane 
vo nevr grws up, In +on tho *mpeoltr for isol tion, pereeniea, an 
hubnr is unMe4wep4, or pe*mns lost. Ho Is the mtorized m 
*ho swrm   the oontinents before learning to tiee his ai Vtb  yad 
wh consms but neer aometes rmtdoor anitfnctions      For him the 
recroatioal engnee dilue the wildniees Pnd artifi@i5e its 
traph.e ia the fmid belief thrit he is renerig a public  .serie. 
The tropy-rcret1iont has& pecmuarities which ootribauts in 
S.4@ Wv.& T3                   ~-        -'- h-mtnses  nae 
sm btlo ways to  = W -AA       .