September 20,1946. 
Prof. A14o Leopold 
424 University Fam Plaoe 
Madison 6, 
O,is my face red. One of my many sins of omission sames baok to 
haunt r". It's a lonesad storbut my measurements were not taken this

year, After breekinp the top out of one t-ee and almost breaking my neck

fallin; out of a soeondI deoided to stop before it was too late. 
Teve That sounds worne than it really is. As I romeoer our data, 
I coysidered my figures adequate on the basis of three yeaxs. You wanted

ai additionnl yer (1946) boausae of the tbnornal weather of 1945. i think

the jpr: stt d:ta z;fll -rove hiataver ean be k4'oved. Jurt as aoou as time

pe    ir1 T.  ork over the data and Aee what cas be demostrated thereby.

I do ren pber that the cvrve produced by that crazy saping iather ws 
abnornal. Fact isI ;1nde up an oi tline for a note on Just that one year,

but never did got to writing the alee. Thnt coaes from having too many 
iroas in the fire, 
As you vilU Judge from the letterheadI shifted jobs,effeotve August 1, 
so thet I am no longer directly connected with Yish and Wildlife work. The

new Job will have to dowith forest economios,mn old love of mine and a field

that hans been sadly ntelected hereabouts. But I hope to keep up at least
majority of my old endeavors. Phenology will be one of themand it needs a

lot of workingtoo. 
In the latest issue of Forestry News there appoare a note from Michigan 
to the effect that their tame lands have been transferred to the foresters
admiistrtion -nd have been re-dedicated as State Forests. So far,we have
unable to find out any of the details - and there must have been some choice

ones -- behind this action. I would not bee too surprised to see it happen
New York within the next five years,maybe sooner. If there be any sub rose

information on the Michigan situation that isnt a state seoret.we would like

to know the reesoning behind the transfer. 
My congratulations on the new letterhead, Does the little out depict the

Stops to Parnassus? 
As ever, 
David B. Cook 
DBC/do                                          Supervising Forester.