.4A iqIn t~n  st    A  rluyM 1a +. a   IA* 
P4    -"to wish him a rainy evening to read the following 
course; and that if he be an honest "gler, the ea; 
w     may never blow when h  goes a-fishing". 
26  - "Rivers -- were made for wise men to contemplate, and 
fools to pass by". 
48 - How to draw and cook a chub, 
53 - "Sir George Hastings, an excellent angler, now with Goa."

66 - "A companion that is cheerful and free from swearing ana 
scurrilous discourse is worth gold". 
66  - Angler's Song 
"But these delights I neither wish 
Nor envy while I freely fish" 
"I care not, I, to fish in seas 
Fresh rivers best my mind do please, 
Whose sweet calm c(Aurse I contemplate 
and seek in life to imitate" 
"And when the timorous trout I wait 
To take, and he devours ry bait, 
how poor a thing, sometimes I find 
Will captivate a greedy mind, 
And when none bite I praise the wise 
Whom vain allurements ne'er surprise." 
Y    Recipes for raising, scouring and keeping fish-worms. 
79    "A Jury of flies, like to betray and condemn all the 
Trouts in the river". 
- "Dcubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubt- 
less he never did." (Dr. Bottler of Strawberries) 
93,101- Hearing, smell and sight (92) in trout, 155 
103 - Age of fishes 
107 - "These be incidents that we Anglers sometimes see, and 
often talk of". 
112 - "This dish of meat (roast pike) is too good for any but 
anglers, or very honest men, and I trust you will prove 
113- "The carp --, a stately, a good, and a very subtile fish."

116 - Gamne in Bible - fish allowed and prohibited (Leviticus XI) 
119 -Recipe for cooking carp.