3o-        ftose   ol    ti-tio I n the Moss t aowr as Us 5   - 
units In) will, as a nd, be mll  , a&will be fitted In to 
wslativ.3y =mU are. of wild Ism which Uts to s h    erbt 
It will bo wled fr      h  first that t0. em be -    pe 
O, lgs4-dtance radial shifting of l   gin, 
it.- MtM  grfttMSS   . "w" will .owwspu to t*0 sfof.-sm 
sad islands put ia fow  mas wh.ro street traffic is bom  i 
It will U woaliso, in advane, that during the bul of th. y 
te VAit om  t O      MOb wild life. It =W Uav A wintatri 
faeieities Whtoer. Durling th smw mms it w        e2 v2 
fLw door. Dt it will  o tain   av   over ofmo sort, wter, 
and some fo4. In i     eass sub units will bU lcted so 
to Stills. pia plenatts 1025 yews old. 
Smb uits n   well be        s   wll ow less in ar  a  W 
e Wtorter. abont WU       Us tem ed units at iarve        of 
& tw siles, mad tbe hemww   s   me    ti   of        , *a 
meoe wos the get-mwq places obeult be* fteir fuwtion woul 
Ue to 1, w. door with *xvoo  ]mbuato   adnon-arivablo t 
to iure that In a givesstrit the sentia b             stocs 
w. ot 4dploteL blow tw sMo or desir    Ivls. 
Ia goeoal sob eislats* wol& hardly temt privat. parties to 
sequiw  and post &MQ   t lash but whew. practicl t    "isian 
uw  best be loeated witMda 2mV tract of saeowe land wichd 
--vo otbsiyise puli bm~m   .rvs      (Or in fato, ow National 
Me boN will h              little o s relation to mo -4 
gps*      1wai tmetiou will be to provide typical ores of *oft 
ortat "po of country or cover ow bsbitat ow of wIl4-life 
asselatima wbiob aw  be ket 'foro   ' in simabo naton. - pl~ 
wild sad InoiAmmst     to the extent this iW  pr 
tipe tbieo  uSMi  wt *Wr its ams, ain eam         *t nNIto 
aftst WroL, at avwa   nigt wibor     led . . * ft     o th i 
tne would be vOr~* In a special sosso, but t01* prim finetio 
woulA bo aesthsetic at-.eimatfi. m*0r than in wel tion   _iSm 
te above A4ftatin m       t ie m w m aNs official, or an expression 
t or tm the NWtomat. O            m    t WeV uV aim., persor 
of f-hauL pbrasiug of the types ow eoas, which we have at prset ow Intn to

elpriat with in deew .eutuy. Wateowlw =Au p'oun-bir reue will me 
doubt havo ty r  m  *pa*s I   s mmm i amd m  at ma ow  closely   ll 
these for On door coutro,