types, from the J=ipor breaks of Vthe eomthvweet to "'th" ilU.ta~tb3.
woo)d, wher. 
rolls the Oz1'0oS'. 4 t is lackin;g, howerov , inu d~eurt arqaau, probably
because o 
th;,t ,uae.;Od brnd of esthI'ettes whidch uidts the degitioln of llscer7"
1 a M pin.a trees. 
In       find a  A~Asxk! there are still lar-e exassof virgiJn ac'itr~- 
"'Where namelass men b,,, namveless rivors wvander 
ead in stag YAlleys die strange deaths aloaa."! 
A roprozentttive series of these -x'is an, and should, be- ka-,t. May are

of nt-eligible or 4u#';ative 'v--lue for e ,oneaic use.  Itwill be ooutenaed,
of course, 
tha no delibera,-te pltng to this end is naesessary: that oJt~jitt t* 4-ms
survive anyhow. All reeat history belies so comifortin(, %n iaev~tloh.  'Y1en
wIl. spots J:- survive, what of their fna   The/ 6dl-n5/aibo. m, tei see
r~es of 1ilovta'In sheep, the ~ieforF cf *~Ds~ffalo, the           Orarren
 rzzl     L 
the freshamt~,-       =1l, n  the w~halos tLre ;ren, now threatened. Of iatuse
are wild 
atreas  destitutle of their distliw~tiva ~ns  The reently orq0 o   r~j 
Institute has erftbarked on the  dutilsiinof the Artic vastes, with 
zOcel"Loat C'hneS of enouit Ices to .,;Un then As wIiuet~s. It 1;s ls
t a41, 
even in th  fr   orh 
To whnt extent Gsa4*d sad Alaslm will_ b-) able to see and g-vsp their orrpor-

tunities is anybodyte m~ess. Piosisers usal~soof at any effort to '"r!)0tuiate

Wildernenss for %aontiona 
Physioa1 co:-bnt for the zR~anS of otubiistencs was, for uwnxb-riaa conturies,

-in      18no~   fao OiWen it Iisa-ppe ared .s such, a sound inistinct led
us to op.- 
serve it ini the-' f -rm of Athletic sports and mes 
Plyical, co   baqt between mnen =d beatswas- i like iwner an eonomic fact,

now -preseirved as huntig ,,nd fishini,, for 3 trrt. 
Public wilderness %as atre, first of -ill, a means of  eptuinIn sport