The first of the three mild wintrs c period 0 (1936- 
ice sheets,,which apparently starved man quail. The secor 
,and als. a food shortag foliwed by &                 single 3 
torml loss, apparently by utarvation, was heav. Th     thi 
only a light loss, and ran followed by a really substantial 
1939- We are fairly sure that the winter losses of period 
staration losss. If no, the fact that the population rem 
tbe 300 threthold does not contradict the contiued existen 
Most of the strong 193S recovery was lost, we think b5 
the first winter of period D (193940). Fall plowin had I 
hea, henc food was scarce, and there was one heavy storm 
winter of period D (1940-41) was very mild, save for the bi 
"Armistice Day Strm" of November 11-13. The lose was agM 
all of it was starvationj much of it w~s predation, and thi 
acco nted for by a threshold of security of 300 birds, for 
273 birds on the afea to start with. Again in 1941-2 the loss was heav.