WAS THE WISH FATHER  F. J. Monighn, supervisorof the Sitgreaves, had an ex-

TO THE sUGGESTION?' hibAtat*  the Navajo CountyPair, illustrating a watershed

__--and its functions.   The exhibit had..a number of,.trees... 
Someone made a suggestion that they be'offered as a prize to the best kept
in Holbr-bk,  The sugestion was adopted and the:.Lrees vere plant'd-in the

NavAjo County court fhouse lawn. The caretaker of the court house lawn is
W, B. 
Cros   and he is the gentleman who also made the suggbsti6no 
JUNIOR FORESTER EXAIiUATION On or about October 14,  1947, an annbuirieinent
be made for a ,Civil' Service examination  .fov JQ- 
nior 'Agricultural Assistant. The announcement will provide for 20 optiors,-

and the Junior Forester position will' be included in one of the opti6ddi
sub-options (a) Forest, and (b) Range, will be included* 
PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED  The week of OctobeT 5-111,1947, has been proclaimed
ARE GOOD ORKERS        President Truman, as diretted by a joint resolution
..... ... Congi O~s, :a "NI~onalip~y The FhY sically Handicapped 
Week." In a survey 'of 29,000 workers it was  found that handicapped$workors
a hi-gher production- rate than non-handicapped workers on the same jobs.
course, handicapped workers must be pla'cbd in jobs which it i§ physically
sible for them'to fill, 
HANDLE THOSEIARKET Most farmers feed and manage their market  inimals with
ANIMALS CAREFULLY    great deal of care, Yet some turn around .&t'market
.  and handle these animals carelessly. . Oficial, figures 
show that careless handling on-the way to nrrket'is re'sponsible every-year,
the loss of enodgh meat food to fodd six -army divisions for twolve- mohths.

THE GEITLE ART OF We do not know who was kidding whom but the following J'Or6er

THE RAZZBERRY      No, 2001" published in the Apache News for February,
and sent to us by some unidentified contributor Aqar.the 
unmistakable earmarks of the Brooklyn cheer: 
"On receipt of this Order rangers will drop all more pressing "work

and- devote their entire time to the pursuit .of young gray squirrels. 
It is suggested that the work be confi'ned as much as possiblei.Zo the 
tall timber, ,On no account- should tha. squirrels be treated roughly 
-and it, is desirable that they be-caught iX ,possible without g 44. 
them out. of breaithb, EAch ranger should be equipped with ia bottle of'

cow's milk diluted'with rice water, Bottle, nipples-and rice may ,be 
had on requisition. W ater for this purpose,may b  carriedin theive' 
gallon South African Wa'te r Bags." . 
/ Reminds .us -of the, time ,whe         £t the hoe-fly 
K   ation, in'argger -Sft.tionp and'askpd in the B~u1letin'fobr iuggo M51v0r,
trolling t he pests.' .T he  pw a sc qke ranger.'salaries was alsor a -hoVt"issue
the n oment,' and some embittered squl,replied,,."Shut tem up ir.  he.
ptation kit- 
chen and iet them starve to death".. 
SAFE, §AM SAYS;     'Just .a  pratch", h?.. lI"hty said -.
But daisiesnow grow o'e;, his.ha..  '