9, The inverse relation may hold for gallinaceous species c 
i.e., related species may depress each other according to their cc 
level of adults. Pheasants W depress other pallinae more than i 
10. The inverse relation of summer gain to breeding level, 1 
with some overriding process operative during the trough of the c 
oonstitutes the cyclic mechanism. 
PoplationBehavior of Other Groups 
Our censuses for raptors and foxes, and estimates for the mu 
fur-bearers, appear in Table 2. 
Rt     . A glance at the vertioa   columns for horned owl ani 
hawk shows that in each of these two species an astonishing stabi: 
namber. prevailed throughout the study period. No other group shows 
equal stability. 
The winter census oorresponds almost exactly to the number of nesting 
pairs, except in two years when there were no nests. This suggests that 
thp wintering and zating populations consisted of Identical individuals.

In horned owl this is of course to be expected, but in the more olearly