April 25. iga#3 
Professor Paul Irinstoa 
Ames, Iowa 
Tb. delay in Issto's notes is a delAy in their 
being typed by his daughter. I take it from your 
letter that you w  d rther have them untyped thai 
to have them further delayed, and accordingly, I 
ax phoning Albert today to mail them to yom direct 
by registermd mal. 
Shold yu have them typed for yor own convanie, 
please include a carbon for falter Scott and one 
for me. 
Your further thowts on the nture of cig 
thresholds s*(ud interesting, and I am awaiting 
your inetrretation with eageress. I an suspedMng 
work on the pyramid paper until I see what you have 
inoluded In the a" draft. 
With personal regards, 
Tours as ever, 
Aldo Leopold 
cc Scott 
P.S. We should, of course, get Albert's notes to 
Walter Scott as soon as possible; hence I 
suggest you return them with the new draft.